Process an inspection

When processing an inspection, all inspection instructions that have not yet been processed are shown in order (like on the inspection sheet). At the top of the wizard, you can see the progress (for example 2/6) of the inspection instructions of the REF ID that is currently be processed. The inspection instructions can also be processed separately.
While processing the inspection instructions, Resume Later can be selected at any time. In that case the inspection is stopped, but not closed. The inspection can be resumed later, to process the inspection instructions that were not processed yet.
If clicked on Overview while processing the wizard, an overview will appear of all inspection instructions on the inspection sheet for the REF ID which is currently being inspected. You can select and process inspection instructions in the chosen order and, if required, you can abort inspection instructions.
  1. Choose Inspection Management > Inspections in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Find and select the inspection.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Process Inspection in the toolbar.
    • Right-click on the inspection and choose Process Inspection in the shortcut menu.
    If the inspection has not been started yet and additional QC info was entered, it will be displayed in the opening screen. Read the text and click Next.
  4. An overview is given of the inspection instructions to be processed.
    If working with REF ID's, enter the desired REF ID in the Ref ID window.
    The default value for the Ref ID is an empty value. If required, specific values can be entered during the inspection.
  5. Click Next. The inspection is started for the entered REF ID.
    If additional info was added to the inspection instruction, this can be viewed by clicking Document bottom left of the dialog box.
  6. Run the inspection instruction.
  7. Click Next.
    Continue processing all inspection instructions for the entered Ref ID.
  8. An overview is given of the entered inspection instructions for the relevant Ref ID, with their related results.
  9. Do one of the following:
    • Click Next Ref. A next Ref ID can be entered, and the inspection instructions that have not been set as Single Execution in the Configurator can be processed for this new Ref ID. Execute steps 4 to 8 again.
    • Click Finish. Go to the next step.
    • Click Resume later.
  10. In the option group Info with Result, the proposed inspection result is displayed. To manually adjust the proposed inspection result, click Override Result , and select the desired inspection result in the drop-down menu Result. If applicable, enter an extra explanation for this adjustment under Description, and click Finish.
    At Result, both the old and the new result are displayed.

    The manual adjustment of the inspection result is saved in Events.

  11. Check the proposed QC status changes in the option group QC Status. Depending on the type of inspection and the settings in the Configurator, an adjustment of the QC status of the Serial Number, the LPN or LPN Set, the Entire Lot or the Entire Inbound Line/Production Output can be updated. Click Finish to complete the inspection.
    The status of the inspection is changed to COMPLETE.