Avanced Picking Management
The Objective Advanced Picking Management module extends the picking functionality with the possibility of detail picking (picking of less than full carriers) and the setup of dynamic pick zones, where the goods can be placed at any location (more goods than places). The variety of goods in the pick zone depends on the goods needed at that moment. If dealing with a risk of late availability of items (e.g. by distant storage zone, limited space at destination location…), working with LPN buffer can be considered.
Furthermore, this module enables the possibility to work with backorders when required inventory is not yet available. If the inventory is available, there is a wide range of possibilities to crossdock directly to the correct location without intermediate storage.
Finally, PLE (Production Logistics Engine) completes this module. PLE manages pickings and crossdocks for orders, and (grouped) replenishments for pick locations and LPN buffers. PLE acts as 'auto-pilot' for the management of logistic processes by allocating the necessary inventory on-time, optimizing the picking (batching, multi-order picking…) and JIT release the tasks to the operators.