Enable or disable a relation
Disable the relations to be able to move an operation without moving the related operations.
- Choose Production Management > Planning Cells in the Navigation Pane.
- Select the planning cell.
- Choose the tab Planning.
Click Add Relations
Select the operation.
The relations to and from the operation will appear.
Right-click the relation.
The following shortcut menu will appear:
- If the shortcut menu above is not displayed, try to right-click the relation again between the 2 operations until the shortcut menu appears. If you right-click next to the relation, a different shortcut menu will appear.
- Ensure that the mode Drag & Drop
is not selected!
Choose Enable/Disable relation in the shortcut menu.
- Right-click a relation and choose Remove Relation to remove a relation.
- Click Select
to avoid the accidental dragging of relations.