Relations between operations
After the operations have been set, the relations between the operations can be added. These relations determine how the operations can be executed in time and in relation to each other. The operations and the relations between them form the basis for the planning board in the Supervisor.
Relations between operations can be created, edited, activated and shown.
Relations can also be created between the operations of multiple production orders.
Example 1: Bottles are produced in operation 1, which are filled in operation 2. Operation 2 'Filling' cannot be started before operation 1 'Produce bottles'. Or, a stop-start relation can be created: Operation 2 'Filling' may only start when operation 1 'Produce bottles' is stopped. Or, a start-start relation can be created with a minimum delay of 30 minutes: Operation 2 'Filling' may only be started 30 minutes after operation 1 'Produce bottles' is started.
Example 2: In operation 3 a layer of lacquer is applied to a metal box. In operation 4, the final layer is applied to the metal box. Operation 4 'Final layer' cannot be started before the end of operation 3 'Lacquer layer'. The final layer may never be applied immediately, the previous layer must dry for at least 5 minutes, but the lacquer layer may also not dry more than 20 minutes before the end layer is applied. In this case a stop-start relation is created with a minimum delay of 5 minutes and a maximum delay of 20 minutes: Operation 4 'Final layer' must start at least 5 minutes and at the latest 20 minutes after operation 3 'Lacquer layer' has stopped.
The operator receives a warning if he wants to start an operation for which a related relation, which is planned to be executed earlier, has not been carried out yet. The operator can still start the operation.