Print an inspection report

The inspection report contains the following info:
  • The relevant inspection information
  • The relevant AQL parameters (in the event of an AQL inspection)
  • An overview of the processed inspection instructions or the inspected references that led to the inspection result

Only the inspection info can be edited.

  1. Choose Inspection Management > Inspections in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Find and select the inspection.
  3. Click Print Inspection Report in the toolbar.
    The dialog box Print Inspection Report Wizard appears.
  4. In the option group Language in the drop-down menu Report Language, select the required language.
  5. In the option group Options in the drop-down menu Report Type, make a choice between the following options:
    • Grouped by Instruction: An overview is given of the executed inspection instructions of the inspection with the related results.
    • Grouped by Reference: An overview is given of the inspected references with the related results.
    Depending on the settings of the inspection sheet, the system will predetermine a logical standard for the report type.
    Check Show Result Details if you want an overview of the individual inspection results of every instruction or reference.
  6. Click Finish.