Evacuate a pick zone

To free up locations in a pick zone for other items, a check is done to see which items may be removed from the pick zone. The removed items are relocated to a suitable location in the warehouse according to the putaway rules.

  • Items can only be evacuated from the pick zone if the minimum number of locations (Min Locations) is set to 0! Min Locations is set in the Configurator.
  • There must be inventory at the location.
  • There must be no open relocation tasks, allocations or orders for that location.
  1. Choose Warehouse Management > Pick Zones in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Select the pick zone.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Evacuate Pick Zone in the toolbar.
    • Right-click the pick location and choose Evacuate Pick Zone in the shortcut menu.
  4. In the dialog box Wizard Evacuate Pick Zone an overview will appear of the locations that can be evacuated.
  5. Select the areas you want to evacuate.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Possibly, an error message may appear. Read the reason carefully and click OK.