After a location has been set as the item's pick location and the other pick location settings have been completed, it must be brought back online. With this the pick location is actually taken into use as a fixed pick location for the item and replenishment will start.
| If no inventory is present on the pick location, replenishment tasks will be immediately created when the pick location is brought online. If no inventory can be found, the shortages will be shown. |
If changes must be made to the data of a pick location, the pick location must be taken offline.
Choose the tab .
Select the item for which the pick location was created.
Click Bring Pick Location Online
Possibly, the dialog box Bring Pick Location Online will appear. Check whether in this case all changes can be saved. Click:
- Yes, to save all the data and to bring the pick location online,
- No, to make the required changes and repeat from step 1.
Confirm in the dialog box Bring Pick Location Online.
Possibly, an error message may appear.
| If the LPN integrity of the pick location must be kept (see tab Properties of the location) replenishments must take place with LPNs (see tab Replenishments). If, in relation to the replenishment of the pick location, the settings conflict with the set LPN integrity of the location, the pick location cannot be brought online. |
Possibly, the dialog box Bring Pick Location Online will appear, with the notification that the pick location already contains inventory. Click:
- Yes, to bring the pick location online. The inventory will be reduced to the set replenishment.
- No, to not bring the pick location online. Make the necessary changes to the pick location or relocate its inventory via a relocation task in the Supervisor and repeat from step 1.