For this uncheck the option Restrict execution of this operation to the specified resources.
Choose Recipe Management > Recipes in the Navigation Pane.
Unfold in the Navigation Pane the tree structure of the Recipes and My Recipes, and subsequently the tree structure of the desired recipe, the variant and the version.
Choose the tab Operations and select the operation.
Choose the tab Resources.
Click Add Resource.
Select one or more machines or work centers.
Click Finish.
Where applicable, check the option Restrict execution of this operation to the specified resources. The operation of the recipe will only be executed by the resources listed here.
If you have added multiple resources, select the resource that you want as default and click Set as Default Resource.
To set no resource as default, select the resource set as default and click Set as Default Resource.
Figure: Operations within a recipe
In the image above, it would be possible to run Operation 1 on Machine 1. If the option Restrict execution of this operation to the specified resources is checked, no other resources can be used to execute the operation.