Add locations to an LPN ASRS

The LPN ASRS can consist of multiple locations, which each have their own ASRS ID.

It is also necessary to add a Stage-In and a Stage-Out location.

If working with reject before entering the ASRS, a location needs to be configured where rejected LPNs can be put.

  1. Choose Warehouse Management > ASRS in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Select the LPN ASRS in the Data Pane and select the sub tab Locations.
  3. Click Add Location and select one or several locations in the dialog box Add Location Wizard.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Provide each location with an ASRS ID. Select the location, go to the sub tab ASRS and enter the correct ID in the field ASRS ID in the option group Settings.
    This ID will be used in the communication between Objective and the ASRS.