Set data collection of an output

The outputs can be counted via a link with a machine's PLC and counter tags.
  1. Choose Recipe Management > Recipes in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Unfold in the Navigation Pane the tree structure of the Recipes and My Recipes, and subsequently the tree structure of the desired recipe, the variant and the version.
  3. Choose the tab Operations and select the operation.
  4. Choose in the tab Outputs the output.
  5. Choose the tab Data Collection.
  6. In the option group Production Cycle Configuration, enter the following data:
    • Cycle Factor, one machine cycle produces 5 outputs, for example.
    • Cycle Quantity, usually 1. It could, for example, also be 33 cl. 5 bottles of 33 cl are filled.
    The result of the production output per cycle appears.
    If a counter tag is used, it has to be set with type Job and category Production cycle (see Edit a tag and Add a counter tag to an equipment module).