Once you have received everything you can close the receipt. If you chose the option Putaway at Receipt End, the putaway tasks will be released only at the closing of the receipt. As long as the receipt has not been closed, pre-receipts can be added.
| All receipts can be closed, except for receipts that already have the status COMPLETED. |
| If an order which was automatically created to receive outputs from an external work center (order type EXTERNAL PRODUCTION) is closed, the parent production order is automatically closed. See also External work centers. |
Choose in the Navigation Pane.
Select a receipt.
Do one of the following:
- Click Close Receipt
- Right-click the receipt and choose Close Receipt in the shortcut menu.
A dialog box with an error message may appear. Read the error message carefully and choose Yes or No.
When closing a receipt that is linked to a purchase order the quantity that has not yet been received will become available again on the purchase order. So you can make new receipts for the quantities on the purchase order still to be received.