View allocation details of the job

The employee can execute one or more jobs. To display for what % the employee is assigned to the job, you can retrieve the allocation details (assignment details). In this context allocation refers to assigning a job to an employee.

For example: Employee A works for 1 hour on present job X, after which he works for 2 hours, on job X and Y. Employee A is 100% allocated to job X during the first hour, after that employee A is allocated for 50% to job X and for 50% to job Y.

  • Viewing the allocation details of the current job is not useful.
  • View the allocation details of the jobs that are already complete (tab ... Analysis).
  1. Select the job.
  2. Choose the tab Direct Labor.
    An overview of all direct manual operations is displayed.
    • A direct manual operation can consist of various activities, for example a production activity or a rework activity.
    • The average allocation and the allocated duration is displayed for each direct manual operation.
  3. Select a direct manual operation.
  4. Click Resource Allocation Details .
    The dialog box Resource Allocation Details is displayed.
  5. View the allocation details of the selected direct manual operation of the job.
    Where applicable, display a Pareto, see View the Pareto or a summary, see View the summary.
  6. Click OK.
    The allocation details of direct labor can also be viewed via the element Direct Activities. Select Direct Activities > Labor.