View the Pareto

  1. Choose the tab 'Element' Analysis.
  2. Click Pareto in the toolbar.
  3. Select the key for the Pareto calculation in the drop-down menu Key.
  4. Select the value for the Pareto calculation in the drop-down menu Value.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. View the Pareto graph in the dialog box Pareto.
  7. Click OK.

    To view a new Pareto of a Pareto line in the dialog box Pareto, select the line and click Pareto .

    To view a Pareto line in the dialog box Pareto as data in tabular format, select the line and click Pareto Detail .

    To view a new Pareto of a Pareto detail line in the dialog box Pareto Detail, select the line and click Pareto .

    To view a summary of a Pareto detail line in the dialog box Pareto Detail, select the line and click Summary .