Add a new machine
- Choose Navigation Pane. and select the resource type in the
Do one of the following:
- Choose sub tab Machines. Click New Machine
in the toolbar.
- Right-click the selected resource type in the Navigation Pane and choose New Machine in the shortcut menu.
- Choose sub tab Machines. Click New Machine
In the option group General of Wizard New Machine, enter the following data:
Field Explanation Name
(mandatory field)
The name of the machine.
Description The description of the machine. ID Field to be completed at your discretion, to assign an individual ID. Category Field to be completed at your discretion, to assign an individual category. -
In the option group Options, enter the following data:
Field Explanation Microstop Check if the operator needs to specify an interrupt reason for short downtimes. Enter the time in seconds next to it. Downtimes shorter than the set time will be registered as microstops. For downtimes equal to or longer than the set time an interrupt reason must be entered. Job Queue The visible jobs for the operator.
Choose in the drop-down menu:
- Released Jobs: All released jobs are shown to the operator. Including the jobs that cannot yet be executed.
- Executable Jobs: Only the released jobs that are also executable are shown to the operator.
Job Selection The jobs from which the operator can choose.
Choose in the drop-down menu:
- Free: The operator is free to choose a job from the list of visible jobs.
- FIFO for Released Jobs: The operator must execute the released jobs in the planned sequence.
- FIFO for Executable Jobs: The operator must execute the executable jobs in the planned sequence.
- Click Finish.
- Where applicable, add free fields. See Edit free fields via tab (Configurator).
- Where applicable, add documents. See Add documents (Configurator).
- If required, add free fields to documents. See Edit free fields via tab (Configurator).
- If required, add data collection data to the machine (see Data collection).
- Add operations to the machine (see Add an operation to a machine or work center).
- If required, add resource views to the machine (see Add a new resource view).