Physical warehouse organization in Objective

The physical warehouse organization is set in Objective in warehouses (or warehouse areas). The physical locations are defined within a warehouse (area). The location organization of a warehouse (area) can be specified up to 4 levels.

Figure: Aisle, rack, shelf and bin.

The full name of the locations is formed by default by joining the various names of the separate levels, separated by a dot:

  • AISLE: Name Warehouse.Name Aisle
  • RACK: Name Warehouse. Name Aisle.Name Rack
  • SHELF: Name Warehouse.Name Aisle.Name Rack.Name Shelf
  • BIN: Name Warehouse.Name Aisle.Name Rack.Name Shelf.Name BIN

Example: 1.A.01.B.2

Warehouse (area) 1 / Aisle A / Rack 01 / Shelf B / Bin 2

It is possible to deviate from this standard by adding other bin name configurations for specific warehouses.
  • The levels are not mandatory and can be used as needed or not used at all.
  • The naming of the levels is arbitrary. The level 'Shelf' can be used even when the naming of the level does not exactly match the physical location.
  • A consistent use of the levels within a warehouse (area) enables the easy retrieval of inventory overviews by aisle, for example.