Add an indirect task

A logistic indirect task is a supporting task which does not impact inventory (in contrast to other task types).

Examples of indirect tasks:

  • repair a wheel of a pick cart
  • re-print torn labels
  • bring empty pallets to a production line
  • empty a chip container
  • clean up spilled oil
  1. Click Add Indirect Task .
  2. In the option group Activity Info, complete the following fields:
    Activity Enter the indirect activity you want to add.

    Do one of the following:

    • In the field Activity, enter the name of the activity and press ENTER.
    • Click Select Indirect Activity , select the indirect activity and click Finish.
    Location Enter the location where the indirect task has to be performed.

    Do one of the following:

    • In the field Destination Location, enter the name of the location and press ENTER.
    • Click Select Location , select the location and click Finish.
    LPN Enter the LPN on which the indirect task has to be performed.

    Do one of the following:

    • In the field LPN, enter the name of the LPN and press ENTER.
    • Click Select LPN , select the LPN and click Finish.
    Depending on the configuration of the indirect activity, only the location or LPN can be entered, or you have the possibility to choose between the two.
  3. Choose in the drop-down menu Priority one of the following values: Very High, High, Normal, Low, Very Low.
    The task with the highest priority will be offered first to the operator (depending on his task profile).
  4. If required, enter additional info for the operator in the option group Operator Info.
    For the indirect activity 'Repair pick cart', the following additional info can be added: 'Repair wheel right behind'.
  5. Click Finish.
    If one or several similar tasks already exist (same indirect task on same LPN and / or same location), a warning will be displayed. Click Yes to create the task again, or No to cancel.
    An indirect task is always created in the status RELEASED.