System directed picking
Objective offers the tasks to the operators in accordance with the assigned work profiles (without paper pick lists).
- Pick tasks for complete LPNs are processed separately each time (with the option to optimize via task interleaving).
- Pick tasks for detail picking (picking of partial quantities of LPNs in the inventory) are offered and picked in one (electronic) pick list per order, work zone and pick sequence. When offering the first task from such a pick list, the operator will be asked to identify a pick LPN on which the goods of the pick list will be picked. When the pick list is completed or the pick LPN is full, this pick LPN must be closed via the RF device and delivered to a suitable marshaling location. A pick list can only be processed by 1 person at a time. Once a pick list for detail picking has been assigned to an operator, he will complete this pick list (1 person per pick list), unless the operator exits/logs out of system directed processing.