ASN = Advance Ship Notice

A sending pre-notification, usually sent as an electronic document. For example: GS1 DESADV.

Via the ASN the sender describes the content and the configuration of the sending (to a certain level of detail). From this the receiver knows in advance what may be received.

The ASN data can be exchanged automatically through an interface via Objective. You can also manually import the ASN data.

Figure: ASN in Objective

(1): The supplier (A) loads goods.

(2): The sending is closed.

(3a): An ASN is sent to the customer (C) to notify them of the sending.

(3b): The goods are shipped from the supplier (A) to the customer (C). Possibly using a carrier (B).

(4): The ASN will be imported in Objective WMS. Any pre-receipts are created.

(5): The goods are unloaded at the customer.

(6): The LPNs are scanned and the receipt is linked to the received ASN data.