Via the action Modify Inventory, item, (sub)lot, production date and Best Before of an inventory can be modified. Items within one and the same lot must have the same production date and Best Before. It can be set via this procedure that a new lot is created if you want to assign a new date to a part of a lot.
Choose System Management > WMS Settings > Inventory Settings in the Navigation Pane.
Choose Configuration > Inventory Settings in the Data Pane.
Choose one of the following options in the drop-down box Lot Reclassification in the option group Inventory Options:
Enabled, a new lot is created if you want to assign a new production date or Best Before to a part of a lot. The part of the lot that is assigned a new date is separated as a new lot with a lot number which consists of the old lot number with an extension as determined in the number sequence RECLASSIFICATION LOTS.
Disabled, it is not possible for the system to create a new lot if you want to assign a new production date or Best Before to a part of a lot. It won't be possible to implement the desired modification.