Add a new OEE target

  1. Choose Production Management > OEE Targets in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Click New OEE Target in the toolbar of the Data Pane.
  3. In the dialog box Wizard New OEE Target, complete the fields below:
    Option Group Field Explanation
    Process Resource Enter the name of the resource or click Resource Selection to select the resource.
    Operation Enter the name of the operation or click Select Operation or press ALT + O to select the operation.
    Item Group Enter the name of the item group or click Select Item Group .
    Item Enter the name of the item or click Select Item or press ALT + I to select an item.
    Period From The period for which the entered targets are references.
    Target Values OEE The OEE target. See OEE figure.
    Availability The target for availability. See Availability (OEE2).
    Productivity The target for productivity. See Productivity (OEE3).
    Quality The target for quality. See Quality (OEE4).
    Capacity The target for capacity. See Capacity (OEE1).
    • At least 1 target should be entered.
    • Only 1 target can be assigned to a process (resource, operation, item) in the same period.