Parameter management

Parameter management enables the central management of parameters.

Centrally configured parameters can be used as follows:

  • Dynamic instruction parameter: Values which were centrally configured can be set against different criteria: recipe version, items, item groups, dynamic item field, resource, resource type and operation.
    • Possibility to use a dynamic parameter in an instruction.
    • The parameter is replaced with his corresponding value(s) when the operation is released.
    • Can be used in setup, data collection and measurement instructions.
    Figure: Example dynamic instruction parameter
  • Dynamic general parameters
    • Bringing dynamic parameters for informational purpose to the production line without the usage of instructions.
    • The parameter is replaced with his corresponding value(s) when the operation is released.

Working with parameter management offers the following advantages:

  • Static parameter values in an instruction (setup, data collection or measurement) which demand manual overruling when there is a need to change it, are avoided.
  • Micro-management of instructions at recipe-level by overruling them is avoided.
  • The use of instructions to pass through information to the production line is avoided.