
One of the key tasks of Objective MES is real time supervision andperformance management of the production department. Objective makes it possible to capture all the relevant data and information regarding the production and combine it in such a way that clear reports can be created and research for potentially further optimization can be carried out.

For the greater part it is the employees on the shop floor that provide information in this respect. In case of interrupts or downtimes they need to enter the cause / reason. Al this information is registered and displayed clearly in different ways. It is possible to zoom in on each one of the OEE aspects for further details regarding availability, performance and quality (module OEE required).

Objective MES captures data from a large number of parameters via standard interfaces, automatically and in real-time, and sends it to data captation devices (based on the OPC standard).

In addition to this other data is registered via manual input by operators:

  • Process parameters (e.g. print data, times, temperatures)
  • Production parameters (e.g. quantities)
  • Performance and quality parameters (e.g. reject, rework, deviations, interrupts, downtimes)

These data and their evolution can be followed in real time by the operator and the supervisor, so that they can quickly intervene if any problems are detected.