Add a new phantom item

Ensure that the Uom of the phantom item is chosen correctly. This Uom can NOT be modified any longer!
  1. Choose Item Management > Phantom Items in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click New Phantom Item in the toolbar of the Data Pane.
    • Right-click Phantom Items or My Phantom Items in the Navigation Pane and choose New Phantom Item in the Shortcut menu.
  3. Complete the fields below in the option group General of the dialog box New Item Wizard:


    (mandatory field)

    The name of the phantom item.

    Description Description of the phantom item.

    Uom (unit of measurement)

    (mandatory field)

    Do one of the following:

    • In Uom enter the Uom of the item and press Enter.
    • Click on Uom Selection , select a dimension in the option group Dimensions, then choose a Uom in the option group Uoms and click on Complete.
    ID Field to be completed at your discretion, to assign an individual ID.
    Category Field to be completed at your discretion, to assign an individual category.
    • Sets: For phantom items with a fixed, known in advance composition.
    • Variants: For phantom items of which the composition is not known in advance. Not all items need to be produced.
    The type can still be edited in the Properties as long as no items have been added to the phantom item yet.
  4. Click Finish.

    Add underlying items to the phantom item.

  5. Where applicable, add free fields. See Edit free fields via tab (Configurator).
  6. Where applicable, add translations. See Add translations via tab.
  7. Where applicable, add documents. See Add documents (Configurator).
  8. If required, add free fields to documents. See Edit free fields via tab (Configurator).