Day Counters
On one (or more) predefined moment(s) of the day the system will calculate performances that can be deduced from the registrations or absences. The result of this calculation will be registered in the value of a day counter.
For example: An employee has worked for 8 hours. The value for the day counter with the day code CD (Clerk Day) is set to 8.
As the calculation is based on freely configurable rules, the value of a day counter is not necessarily the mathematical difference between 2 registrations (rounding, maximum duration,...).
The supervisor can manipulate the value of the day counters if this value, for exceptional reasons, cannot be used as proposed by the system. To edit and delete the value of the day counters is possible for as long as the status of the performance day is not APPROVED. After manual adjustment the value of the day counter is displayed in BOLD to clearly show that the value has been entered by the administrator.
A day counter consists of a day code and a value.