Cost profiles and cost centers
Cost profiles enable the possibility to schedule people (optionally) on a cost center. This means that from the start date until the next cost profile the registrations will be written off from cost center(s) of the corresponding cost profile.
By assigning a cost profile to an employee or by the location of the registration (e.g. by badging), it can be determined on which cost center will be booked. The cost profile of the employee will determine which registrations are generated unless there is a reference to an attendance reader.
Cost profiles allow to run an 'accounting' analysis of the performances. Payroll calculation by performance can be further divided by a distribution per cost center (or a fixed cost center if the performances of an employee only represent 1 cost center).
For example, a cost profile 'operator' will ensure that 80% of the costs are allocated to the production cost center production and 20% to the logistics cost center.