Close the current period

The supervisor can close the current period. This will entail:

  • Reviewing the balance counters for a certain period (overtime counters per month, for example)
  • Editing the balance counters for a certain period (for example, flexible hours that cannot be transferred to the next period, mandatory reduced working hours in a set period).

Balance rules are executed upon closing a period. A period can be closed per employee, employee group or department.

The period start date for employees that were hired since the last closure is not the same as the period start date of the period to be closed. The period for these employees should be closed separately if in the Configurator System Management > TA Settings > Period Closure Settings the Default Period is blocked.
All days must be approved before a period can be closed!
  1. Choose Attendance Management in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Choose the element Employees, Employee Groups or Departments in the Navigation Pane.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Select a filter.
    • Select My 'Element'.
    • Select one employee, employee group or department.
  4. Choose the tab Balances > Current Period.
  5. Select one or more employees.
    Where applicable, group the employees by the start date of the period in the field Period Start.
  6. Click Close Period .
  7. In the option group Period Selection, edit the period if necessary, or choose a different closing date.
  8. Where applicable, from the drop-down menu Rule in the option group Rule Selection, choose another rule.
  9. Do one of the following:
    • Click Next, read the error messages carefully and click Finish or Cancel.
    • Click Finish.